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Discover the language of mathematics with our guide to geometry and algebra symbols. From equations to shapes, explore their meanings and practical use. Whether you’re a student or just curious, we make math symbols easy to understand.

Math Symbols List:

Certainly! Below is a list of various mathematical symbols, along with their meanings and examples:


Meaning and Example

Addition (+) Represents addition. Example: 5 + 3 = 8
Subtraction (-) Denotes subtraction. Example: 10 – 4 = 6
Multiplication (×) Signifies multiplication. Example: 6 × 9 = 54
Division (÷) Indicates division. Example: 20 ÷ 5 = 4
Equal (=) Represents equality. Example: 3 + 2 = 5
Percent (%) Denotes percentages. Example: 20% discount means saving 20 cents
Pi (π) Represents the constant pi (approximately 3.14159).
Infinity (∞) Signifies an unbounded or limitless quantity.
Exponents (^) Indicates powers. Example: 2^3 = 8
Square Root (√) Denotes the square root. Example: √25 = 5
Greater Than (>) Indicates that one value is greater than another.
Less Than (<) Indicates that one value is less than another.
Greater Than or Equal To (≥) Indicates that one value is greater than or equal to another.
Less Than or Equal To (≤) Indicates that one value is less than or equal to another.
Not Equal To (≠) Represents inequality. Example: 3 ≠ 4
Approximately Equal To (≈) Indicates an approximation.
Prime (‘) Denotes a prime number. Example: 7′ is read as “seven prime.”
Absolute Value ( x
Factorial (!) Denotes the factorial of a number. Example: 5! = 120
Summation (∑) Represents the sum of a series. Example: ∑(1 to 5) = 15
Integral (∫) Indicates integration. Example: ∫(x^2) dx = (x^3)/3 + C
Derivative (d/dx) Denotes differentiation. Example: d/dx(x^2) = 2x
Proportional To (∝) Signifies proportionality. Example: y ∝ x^2
Square (∎) Represents the end of a proof or demonstration.
Intersection (∩) Denotes the intersection of sets. Example: A ∩ B
Union (∪) Indicates the union of sets. Example: A ∪ B
Subset (⊆) Signifies that one set is a subset of another.
Superset (⊇) Indicates that one set is a superset of another.
Element Of (∈) Represents an element belonging to a set. Example: x ∈ A
Not An Element Of (∉) Denotes an element not belonging to a set. Example: x ∉ A
Empty Set (∅) Represents an empty or null set.
Infinity (∞) Signifies infinity. Example: ∞ is used in calculus and limits.
Therefore (∴) Denotes a logical conclusion or inference.
Angle (∠) Represents an angle. Example: ∠ABC
Perpendicular (⊥) Indicates perpendicular lines or objects.
Right Angle (⊾) Represents a right angle.
Circle (○) Denotes a circle in geometry.
Triangle (△) Represents a triangle.
Square (□) Indicates a square.
Rectangle (⬛) Represents a rectangle.
Diamond (◆) Denotes a diamond shape.
Infinity (∞) Signifies infinity. Example: ∞ is used in calculus and limits.
Pi (π) Represents the mathematical constant pi.

This chart provides a selection of mathematical symbols, but there are many more symbols used in various mathematical contexts.

Geometry Symbols List:

Certainly! Here’s a list of various geometry symbols, along with their meanings and examples:


Meaning and Example

Point (•) Represents a single location in space. Example: Point A
Line (—) Denotes a straight path extending infinitely in both directions.
Line Segment (AB) Indicates a portion of a line with two endpoints.
Ray (→) Represents a part of a line with one endpoint and extends beyond it.
Angle (∠) Indicates the union of two rays with a common endpoint. Example: ∠ABC
Right Angle (⊾) Represents a 90-degree angle.
Acute Angle (∠) Denotes an angle less than 90 degrees. Example: ∠PQR
Obtuse Angle (∠) Represents an angle greater than 90 degrees. Example: ∠XYZ
Straight Angle (∠) Signifies a 180-degree angle.
Perpendicular (⊥) Indicates two lines that meet at a right angle.
Parallel Lines (
Intersection (∩) Represents the common point of two or more geometric objects. Example: Line AB ∩ Line CD
Union (∪) Indicates the combination of two or more sets or shapes. Example: Set A ∪ Set B
Congruent (≅) Denotes that two shapes are identical in size and shape. Example: ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF
Similar (∼) Signifies that two shapes have the same shape but different sizes.
Midpoint (M) Represents the point that divides a line segment into two equal parts.
Bisect (⌅) Indicates the division of an angle or line segment into two equal parts.
Perimeter (P) Denotes the sum of all the sides of a polygon. Example: P = 2a + 2b + 2c for a rectangle
Area (A) Represents the amount of space inside a shape. Example: A = πr² for a circle
Volume (V) Indicates the amount of space enclosed by a three-dimensional object.
Diameter (d) Represents the distance across a circle, passing through its center.
Radius (r) Denotes the distance from the center of a circle to any point on its circumference.
Circumference (C) Signifies the distance around the edge of a circle. Example: C = 2πr
Pi (π) Represents the mathematical constant pi, approximately 3.14159.
Quadrilateral (□) Denotes a polygon with four sides.
Rectangle (⬛) Represents a quadrilateral with four right angles.
Square (□) Indicates a quadrilateral with four equal sides and right angles.
Parallelogram (//) Denotes a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel.
Trapezoid (⏢) Signifies a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
Rhombus (◆) Represents a quadrilateral with all sides of equal length.
Pentagon (⃤) Indicates a polygon with five sides.
Hexagon (⃪) Denotes a polygon with six sides.
Octagon (⃠) Represents a polygon with eight sides.
Circle (○) Denotes a set of points equidistant from a central point.
Ellipse (⬭) Signifies an elongated and curved shape.
Triangle (△) Represents a polygon with three sides.
Equilateral Triangle (△) Indicates a triangle with all sides of equal length. Example: △ABC is equilateral.
Isosceles Triangle (△) Denotes a triangle with two equal sides. Example: △PQR is isosceles.
Scalene Triangle (△) Represents a triangle with no equal sides. Example: △LMN is scalene.
Right Triangle (△) Signifies a triangle with one 90-degree angle. Example: △XYZ is a right triangle.
Pythagorean Theorem (a² + b² = c²) Indicates the relationship between the sides of a right triangle.
Hypotenuse (c) Denotes the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle.
Altitude (h) Represents the perpendicular distance from a vertex to the opposite side.
Median (m) Signifies a line segment from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.
Angle Bisector (AB) Indicates a ray or line segment that divides an angle into two equal parts.
Cartesian Coordinates (x, y) Represents a system for locating points in a plane. Example: (3, 4)
Slope (m) Denotes the steepness of a line. Example: m = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) for two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
Circle Equation (x – h)² + (y – k)² = r² Represents the equation of a circle with center (h, k) and radius r.
Area Formulas Various formulas exist for calculating the area of different shapes. Example: A = ½bh for a triangle with base (b) and height (h).

This chart provides a selection of geometry symbols, but there are many more symbols used in various geometric contexts.

Algebra Symbols List:

Certainly! Here’s a list of various algebra symbols, along with their meanings and examples:


Meaning and Example

Variable (x, y, z) Represents an unknown value. Example: Solve for x in 2x + 3 = 7.
Constant (a, b, c) Denotes a fixed value. Example: In 3x + 2 = 11, 3 is a constant.
Equation ( = ) Represents a mathematical statement of equality. Example: 2x + 3 = 7
Inequality (≤, ≥) Indicates a relationship where one value is less than or equal to (≤) or greater than or equal to (≥) another value. Example: 4 ≤ 5
Addition (+) Represents the operation of adding two or more values. Example: 3 + 4 = 7
Subtraction (-) Denotes the operation of subtracting one value from another. Example: 8 – 5 = 3
Multiplication (×) Signifies the operation of multiplying two or more values. Example: 2 × 6 = 12
Division (÷) Indicates the operation of dividing one value by another. Example: 10 ÷ 2 = 5
Equals ( = ) Represents the equality between two expressions or values. Example: x + 3 = 8
Parentheses ( ) Used to group expressions and indicate the order of operations. Example: (2 + 3) × 4
Exponent (^) Indicates the power to which a value is raised. Example: 2^3 = 8
Square Root (√) Denotes the principal square root of a value. Example: √25 = 5
Absolute Value ( x
Fraction (a/b) Indicates a division of two values. Example: 3/4 is a fraction.
Ratio (a:b) Denotes the comparison of two values. Example: 2:5 represents a ratio.
Proportionality (∝) Signifies that two values are proportional. Example: y ∝ 2x
Greater Than (>) Indicates that one value is greater than another. Example: 7 > 3
Less Than (<) Denotes that one value is less than another. Example: 2 < 6
Greater Than or Equal To (≥) Indicates that one value is greater than or equal to another. Example: 5 ≥ 5
Less Than or Equal To (≤) Denotes that one value is less than or equal to another. Example: 4 ≤ 5
Not Equal To (≠) Represents inequality. Example: 3 ≠ 7
Sum (∑) Denotes the summation of a series of values. Example: ∑(1 to 5) = 15
Product (∏) Indicates the product of a series of values. Example: ∏(1 to 4) = 24
Square (²) Represents the second power or squared value. Example: 4² = 16
Cube (³) Denotes the third power or cubed value. Example: 2³ = 8
Set (A, B, C) Represents a collection of elements or values. Example: Set A = {1, 2, 3}
Union (∪) Indicates the combination of two sets. Example: A ∪ B represents the union of sets A and B.
Intersection (∩) Denotes the common elements of two sets. Example: A ∩ B represents the intersection of sets A and B.
Complement (A’) Represents the set of elements not in set A. Example: A’ is the complement of set A.
Subset (⊆) Signifies that one set is a subset of another. Example: A ⊆ B means set A is a subset of set B.
Superset (⊇) Indicates that one set is a superset of another. Example: A ⊇ B means set A is a superset of set B.
Element Of (∈) Represents an element belonging to a set. Example: x ∈ A means element x is in set A.
Not An Element Of (∉) Denotes an element not belonging to a set. Example: y ∉ B means element y is not in set B.
Empty Set (∅) Represents an empty or null set.
Function (f(x)) Denotes a relationship between input (x) and output (f(x)). Example: f(x) = 2x + 1
Domain (D) Represents the set of all possible input values for a function.
Range (R) Indicates the set of all possible output values for a function.
Slope (m) Represents the steepness of a line or a function’s rate of change.
Intercept (b) Denotes the value where a line crosses the y-axis.
Linear Equation (y = mx + b) Represents a straight-line relationship between variables.
Quadratic Equation (ax² + bx + c = 0) Represents a second-degree polynomial equation.
System of Equations Denotes a set of multiple equations to be solved together.
Variable Substitution Indicates the process of replacing one variable with another to simplify an equation.
Inverse Operation Represents the opposite operation to undo an operation. Example: Addition and subtraction are inverse operations.
Function Composition (f ◦ g) Denotes the composition of two functions. Example: (f ◦ g)(x) = f(g(x))
Radical (√) Represents the root of a value. Example: √(x²) =

This chart provides a selection of algebra symbols, but there are many more symbols used in various algebraic contexts.


In this guide, we’ve provided a clear understanding of mathematical and algebraic symbols, offering real-world examples for each. From basic operations to complex equations, these symbols are the building blocks of math.

Use this resource as your reference when tackling math problems or simply deepening your math knowledge. Mathematics is a universal language that empowers us to solve problems and explore the world.

For further math support and educational consulting, consider MTG Consultants. We specialize in improving math results for schools in need, particularly in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisiana. Connect with us to enhance math education outcomes.

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson is an experienced educational consultant, specializing in mathematics coaching and leadership development. With over 20 years of experience, Marcus has helped public and charter schools in high-poverty areas to improve their academic outcomes, particularly in the field of mathematics. Marcus works with teachers and principals to build out systems that help maximize education for students. Marcus Nelson's educational consulting business is dedicated to improving teaching and learning in schools, with a focus on improving mathematics results.

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