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Kindergarten math is viewed as a non-negotiable time for kids to build rock-hard math skills. Such talents will equip them with a bedrock for achieving success both academically and later in their careers. Here are 15 tips to help you boost your child’s kindergarten math skills: Here are 15 tips to help you boost your child’s kindergarten math skills:

1. Make Kindergarten Math Fun:

Probably one of the most suitable ways to make your kid learn kindergarten math such that he loves it is by making it entertaining. This can be done in various ways: there are no limits. It can be an activity using games, songs, or real-world examples.

Some Examples of Fun Kindergarten Math Activities:

  • Engage in play-along activities, for instance, “I Spy” and “Hide-and-Seek.”
  • Do math songs such as “Five Little Monkeys” or “Ten in the Bed.”
  • Use real-world examples to teach math concepts. For example, you can count the number of steps on a staircase or the number of cars in a parking lot.

2. Count Everything:

Counting is a fundamental kindergarten math skill that children need to develop. Help your child to practice counting by counting everything in sight. This could include steps, stairs, toys, cars, or even the number of bites in a snack.

Some Examples of Counting Activities:

  • Count how many steps there are on one staircase.
  • The amount of space cars take in the parking lot can be seen by counting the number of cars.
  • Use a toy box as an example and count the number of toys in it.
  • Make your way through a snack and count the number of bites.
  • Give the number of people in the room.

3. Use Real-World Examples:

Children learn best when they can see how math is used in the real world. Help your child to understand how math is used in everyday life by using real-world examples. For example, you can show them how to use math to cook, shop, and play games.

Some Examples of How to Use Real-World Examples to Teach Math:

  • When cooking, show your child how to measure ingredients and follow a recipe.
  • While shopping, show your child how to compare prices and calculate a total cost.
  • With playing games, show your child how to use math to keep score and make decisions.

4. Be Patient and Supportive:

Learning math takes time and practice. Be patient with your child and offer support when needed. Don’t get discouraged if your child doesn’t understand a concept right away. Just keep practicing and they will eventually get it.

Here are Some Tips For Being Patient and Supportive:

  • Encourage your child to keep trying, even if they make mistakes.
  • Praise your child for their efforts, even if they don’t get the right answer.
  • Provide your child with extra help if they need it.
  • Don’t compare your child to other children. Every child learns at their own pace.

5. Provide Opportunities for Practice:

The best way for children to get a hang of math is to exercise it. Allow and encourage your child to develop his or her math skills further through playing games, activities, and worksheets.

Some Ideas For Providing Opportunities For Practice:

  • Be playing mathematical games with your child at home.
  • Make your kid participate in some chores such as culinary, baking, and shopping which are all associated with math.
  • Make sure your child does the math worksheets or problems assigned to them.
  • Enroll your kid in math clubs also.

6. Praise Your Child’s Efforts:

It is vital to encourage children’s efforts in math, though they might not obtain the correct answer. Through this approach, they are likely to develop a good feeling about it rather than that feeling.

Some Tips for Praising Your Child’s Efforts:

  • Praise your child for trying their best.
  • Praise your child for their progress, no matter how small.
  • Be specific in your praise. For example, instead of saying “Good job,” say “I’m so impressed that you were able to solve that problem all by yourself.”

7. Talk to Your Child’s Teacher:

If your child’s math work is bothering you, do not hesitate to collaborate with his teacher. The teacher can determine the level of your child’s skills and can give you some tips and useful resources you can put to work to facilitate the academic achievement of your child.

Tips for Talking to Your Child’s Teacher About Their Math Skills:

  • Say your points of request to a teacher.
  • Request the instructor of what things you must do to assist your child in the home.
  • Ask your teacher to refer you to math manuals or worksheets or ask him or her to provide you with more problems that will contribute to your knowledge and your skills in mathematics.
  • Sitting with the teacher and developing a path to be successful in the subjects can help the child score well in math.

8. Read Math Books:

Reading math books is an excellent approach that allows children to apply new math ideas when they demonstrate their math capabilities. Kids at all levels can find plenty of good math books that suit their interests.

Examples of Math Books for Kindergarteners:

  • Counting Kisses by Katy Hudson
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
  • Ten Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

9. Play Math Games:

Through math games, kids not only develop math skills but also many life skills such as problem-solving, reasoning, and perseverance. A variety of math games that fill the demand of the age, level, and choice can be found to suit your child.

Examples of Math Games for Kindergarteners:

  • Matching games: A categorical collection of things can assist children in understanding and realizing numbers, shapes, and other math concepts by playing matching games.
  • Board games: Many common board games can be used for teaching the basics of math. Chutes and Ladders could be used to teach children counting and adding, whereas the same association could be used to teach Candy Land children colors and shapes.
  • Card games: Virtually all known card games are well suited to help math instruction. For instance, the Go Fish game might help children to learn numbers and matching, but to children, the War game gives a chance to learn addition and subtraction.

10. Do Math Activities:

There are many fun and educational math activities that you can do with your child at home. These activities can help your child to learn new math concepts and to practice their skills.

Examples of Math Activities for Kindergarteners:

  • Build with blocks: Among other activities such as building blocks undoubtedly kids can discover the properties of different shapes, sizes, and spatial relationships as well.
  • Play with puzzles: Puzzles easily help toddlers develop solving skills, patterns, and shapes.
  • Do cooking activities: The meal prep works to give children a chance to familiarize themselves with measures and simple math calculations.
  • Play sorting games: Through sorting games, young learners can learn various groups of different items and develop their problem-solving abilities.
  • Play outdoor games: The features that certain outdoor games have also can be implemented in math class. For example, hopscotch can teach children multiplication and addition, whereas tag can help them understand space and movement.

11. Use Kindergarten Math Apps:

There are many great math apps available for children of all ages. These apps can help children to learn new math concepts and to practice their skills in a fun and interactive way.

Examples of Math Apps for Kindergarteners:

  • Khan Academy Kids: Khan Academy Kids is a free app that offers a variety of educational games and activities for children ages 2-8. The app includes a variety of math activities, such as counting games, shape sorting games, and addition and subtraction games.
  • PBS KIDS Games: PBS KIDS Games is a free app that offers a variety of educational games and activities based on popular PBS KIDS shows. The app includes a variety of math activities, such as counting games, shape sorting games, and addition and subtraction games.
  • Duck Duck Moose Math: Duck Duck Moose Math is a paid app that offers a variety of math activities for children ages 3-8. The app includes a variety of math activities, such as counting games, shape sorting games, and addition and subtraction games.

12. Make a Kindergarten Math Center at Home:

Creating a math center at home is a great way to provide your child with a dedicated space to learn and practice math skills. You can set up your math center in any corner of your home, such as the kitchen table, the living room floor, or the playroom.

Tips for Creating a Math Center at Home:

  • Choose a quiet space where your child can focus on their math work.
  • Gather a variety of math materials, such as blocks, puzzles, games, and worksheets.
  • Make sure that the materials are accessible to your child.
  • Encourage your child to use the math center independently.

13. Talk to Your Child About Kindergarten Math in Everyday Life:

One of the best ways to help your child develop a love of math is to talk to them about it in everyday life. Point out math concepts in your surroundings and show your child how math is used in the real world.

Tips for Talking to Your Child about Math in Everyday Life:

  • The math concepts can be experienced in everyday life by pointing a the number of steps on the staircase or the number of cars in a parking.
  • Demonstrate the use of math in regular shopping such as cooking, going to stores, and playing games with your child.
  • Parents should include math questions in their everyday conversation with their child. This could be done here, by asking the child “How many apples are in the bowl?” or “What is the biggest shape in the room?”

14. Encourage Your Child to Ask Questions:

Math problem-solving needs to be taught to the kids by encouraging their question asking. The fact that the presenter emphasized that “they learn by their mistakes” demonstrates their willingness to learn and their aversion to taking risks. When your kid asks a math question, make sure that you spare some time and explain the concept keeping in mind that it should be understood by your child.

Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Ask Questions:

  • Tell your child is all right to ask questions.
  • Make efforts to respond to your child’s questions directly and simply.
  • What you need to do is talk in terms of real-life examples to explain math.
  • Wish for this to happen and be supportive. It might take your children a little while before they will be able to grasp the new ideas.

15. Make Math Fun and Enjoyable:

One of the most important things you can do to help your child develop strong kindergarten math skills is to make math fun. When children are having fun, they are more likely to be engaged and to learn. Find ways to make math relevant to your child’s interests and to incorporate math into your everyday activities.

Tips for Making Math Fun and Enjoyable:

  • Play math games with your child.
  • Do math activities together, such as cooking, baking, and shopping.
  • Show your child how math is used during daily activities.
  • Invite your child to be curious and to respectively ask questions.
  • Let his or her efforts please you.

These techniques will do you a favor if you are following them because of teach your child strong kindergarten math skills. Substantial maths skills are necessary because your child will perform better in school and accomplish greater success in life.


Ultimately, taking care of the student’s math skills at the beginning of the school year is important for one’s future achievements. There are 15 tips noted in this piece and these tips when applied by the parents will enable the children to love math and achieve well in academics.

Moreover, for the schools that find their math results in the assigned grades to be poor, MTG offers specialized math coaching and advising services. Principals and superintendents in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisiana can turn to MTG to elevate math education. Visit our website to discover how MTG can be your partner in educational improvement.


Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson is an experienced educational consultant, specializing in mathematics coaching and leadership development. With over 20 years of experience, Marcus has helped public and charter schools in high-poverty areas to improve their academic outcomes, particularly in the field of mathematics. Marcus works with teachers and principals to build out systems that help maximize education for students. Marcus Nelson's educational consulting business is dedicated to improving teaching and learning in schools, with a focus on improving mathematics results.

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