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Kindergarten classrooms are the foundation for the development of children. It is a first step towards academics, and it plays a huge role in a child’s overall growth as a student. Most parents along with their kids feel a bit bumpy during the first few days of kindergarten. The separation anxiety of both the parents and the children is also at its peak; due to which it takes time for a kid to settle with the teachers.

However, it is not only about parents and their children, teachers also play a crucial role in getting the kid settled in a kindergarten classroom. Kindergarten teachers are indeed professionals and they know how to handle a little student without breaking a sweat. But at times, some students are unable to settle and every day they throw a tantrum while going to the kindergarten. Inside the kindergarten classroom is a ray of emotions—happy, sad, confused, angry, and excited all kinds of students; and it takes a lot of courage to handle all kinds of students. Kindergarten holds a special place in the foundation of academics, and if you are a kindergarten teacher or a parent this article is a guide for you. Keep on reading to get hands-on experiences and tips as this can help you in getting the most out of a kindergarten.

Tips for Teachers:

There are no good teachers or bad teachers, all of them want a smooth experience and expect a learning and exciting environment for the school year. Below are some tips for the teachers which will help with kindergarten classroom management.

Create an Inviting Classroom:

A kindergarten classroom is different from the rest of the classes; it is a foundation of academics hence it must be inviting. For kindergarten teachers, it takes a lot of effort because they need to prepare ahead. The kindergarten students–may have never seen letters; they may not be familiar with numbers; therefore, an inviting classroom will make them more comfortable.

A positive and inviting environment will make them feel more confident, and they will accept their new classroom. Make their classroom colourful, children love colours–may align the chairs in different colours or use a colourful tablecloth.

Set up a Reading Corner:

If you want to succeed as a kindergarten teacher, ensure that your students walk away at the end of the year with the concept that, ‘reading is fun.’ Reading helps in initiating classroom rules for effective management. Moreover, as a teacher you will be responsible for reading the books; therefore, fill your classroom with classic kindergarten books, and let the children choose the book that you are going to read to them.

Make the reading time more effective by creating a comfortable environment. Ask children questions regarding the character of the books; and engage them in a fun and learning way.

Build a Relationship:

As a kindergarten teacher, you must have a friendly attitude with the children. For them, you are someone they are spending time with, as it takes time for them to understand the concept of a teacher. The friendly attitude will allow them to talk and open up more. They should feel that they can ask you more questions in class which ultimately reduces their anxiety.

Build a relationship with the students, as when they are comfortable, they will be more willing to listen to you. If the students are comfortable around, they will feel more secure and they will love to come to the class daily. If a student is excited every morning to see you—congratulations you have succeeded!

Use Simple Language:

Kindergarten students have a shorter attention span, and they are unable to grasp everything at one time. Moreover, you will have a variety of students in your classroom; each in a different development phase. They may have difficulty understanding longer or more complex statements. They may not be able to understand your instructions.

For example: Majority of the kindergarten students either forget or are unable to understand if a sentence has more than eight words.

The teachers must use concise and simple language that is understandable by young children. As a teacher, you can break a long sentence into shorter sentences or use familiar and easy language.

Protect Children’s Self-Esteem:

Classroom rules for kindergarten are different from the other classes; which is why it gets more difficult for the teachers to handle. However, as a teacher, if a child does something wrong or does something indifferently then you should communicate with the child in private and avoid confronting or pointing it out in public.

At any point in time, you must correct the errors in private, and appreciate them in public; as it gives them accurate encouragement. Also, you must not overreact when a child misbehaves or says something bad. You must know how to control their behaviour, not yell and communicate well.

Tips for Parents:

As a kindergarten parent, you have even greater responsibility. It is not the child who goes through separation anxiety, a parent also feels the same. If you are a kindergarten parent, follow the tips for a smooth transition.

Use the Name:

Majority of the parents use nicknames for their children; which is not wrong but it may be unsettling when the child goes to kindergarten. It is wise to use the actual name and make the kid habitual of the name. The teacher will be calling out the birth name, and if the child is unable to respond; it will leave a bad impression which is not good for the overall confidence level.

Try to Make the Little One Comfortable:

Usually, parents are emotional on the first day of school; which makes the child feel more separation anxiety. There are parents who, when their kid is crying at the gate take them back home—which is wrong.

On the first day of school, be strong; and let them know by your actions that you are comfortable and happy. Do not walk around their classroom, leave them at the door and allow the teacher to guide them. Even if your child is crying, do not intervene and let the teacher handle it.

Addressing the Questions:

Morning drop-offs and school pickups are not the appropriate time to raise any questions or concerns. During the craziness of kindergarten during the drop-off—the teacher is extremely busy and may not be able to answer you properly. The best way is to write a note or email or leave a message asking for time to meet the teacher.

Understand the Dynamics:

It is not necessary that if your child is at phase 2 of development level; all the other students are at the same level. In kindergarten, there are a variety of students each on a different level of development. No need to worry if your child has not learned letters or sounds, it will take time and you need to be patient.

To understand the classroom more efficiently, read all the newsletters and emails sent to you, the teacher is putting a lot of effort into you and your kid, and it may answer a lot of your queries. If your child is not getting along with another child in the class, it’s okay do not create an issue. Talk with the teacher before confronting directly with the other parent.


Your child is stepping on the first level, and you need to teach your little one self-control. You are equally responsible for the social-emotional learning. You need to teach them when to express their feelings and needs; and how to express them. Help your child at home, in developing and practising these as it will also help the teacher.

Wrapping up:

Kindergarten classrooms are filled with little ones; some are excited to learn and some are sad to be separated from their parents. The parent and the teacher must play their roles effectively to manage the classroom. For teachers they must be inviting, warm and friendly. They should build a relationship with the kid to get a better understanding. For parents, you need to work on your child before you enrol in kindergarten. Try to make them understand the concept of school. Try developing their routine beforehand, so they are habitual of waking up early and going to bed on time.

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson is an experienced educational consultant, specializing in mathematics coaching and leadership development. With over 20 years of experience, Marcus has helped public and charter schools in high-poverty areas to improve their academic outcomes, particularly in the field of mathematics. Marcus works with teachers and principals to build out systems that help maximize education for students. Marcus Nelson's educational consulting business is dedicated to improving teaching and learning in schools, with a focus on improving mathematics results.

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